Plan and Synopis

Plan to capture the life of being elderly where the day to day struggles will come to us all at some point. Whether it be ourselves a family member or neighbour. I plan to take shots of an elderly man that I know following his life and how he still likes to get out and socialize and mix with others for company and also care.This Documentary I shall be creating with numerous visits taking into account how he feels on the day and also where he is going.

I would like to say today’s great aging society maybe busy and we have a great aging population. So take time to think how a wee chat to someone who is housebound can make their day feel special.

I am making this as part of my Documentary as I have done voluntary work for the elderly and have a lot of respect for them and their struggles to do day to day things that we take for granted.I have brought my two daughter up to visit elderly neighbours and being from a different generation they also have the same respect and admiration for elderly people too.

Some of my images I will make black and white for more impact and others I shall  make in colour. I am trying to capture the hands in all the images of the story of what were hard working hands to hands now crippled  with arthritis.


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