Evaluation of My Documentary

Overall I was pleased as to how my images have helped my tell my story of life in an old body. With a start of an image of the elderly gent with arthritis and having two strokes how he relies on others. The middle to show he still is happy and likes to get out for a wee dram and food and the end of the day help to get to bed.Getting old happens to us all and I hoped my documentary helped to show how we do need others when older for help and maybe  society needs to spend time with the elderly as they are so grateful for a wee bit of your time and money cant buy that happiness.




Plan to capture the life of being elderly where the day to day struggles will come to us all at some point. Whether it be ourselves a family member or neighbour. I plan to take shots of an elderly man that I know following his life and how he still likes to get out and socialize and mix with others for company and also care.This Documentary I shall be creating with numerous visits taking into account how he feels on the day and also where he is going.

I am making this as part of my Documentary as I have done voluntary work for the elderly and have a lot of respect for them and their struggles to do day to day things that we take for granted.I have brought my two daughter up to visit elderly neighbours and being from a different generation they also have the same respect and admiration for elderly people too.

Some of my images I will make black and white for more impact and others I shall  make in colour. I am trying to capture the hands in all the images of the story of what were hard working hands to hands now crippled  with arthritis.

I would like to say today’s society maybe busy and we have a great aging population. So take time to think how a wee chat to someone who is housebound can make their day feel special.

  1. This is Bill and old Gentleman who is 92 relies on carers and life in Councils run establishments.
  2. In a wheelchair now but enjoys his visit for carers .
  3. Checking his INR which is International Nominal Rate which is to test his how thin his blood is  for setting his Warfarin to help prevent heart attacks,strokes and clots.
  4. This image was a close up shot with his hands on the table to show how his aged hard working wrinkled hands are now.
  5. Image captured to show time out for xmas dinner , he maybe old but eats like a horse.
  6. Close up shot of his favourite OVD chaser after a pint, he says at his time of life you got to have a wee dram.
  7. Captured a close up shot of his face and hand as needs a wee snooze to get him through the day.
  8. Close up shot of him cleaning his teeth with a towel wrapped around him cause he makes a mess and creates more work without it. But deep within his eyes they show me a face full of nonsense.
  9. Carers put him to bed.
  10. Close up shot of a single tired hand to wave goodbye.

Elderly people don’t want anything from you except your time so try to give them the respect and time they deserve. Remember, after few years we will be standing in their position.

Plan and Synopis

Plan to capture the life of being elderly where the day to day struggles will come to us all at some point. Whether it be ourselves a family member or neighbour. I plan to take shots of an elderly man that I know following his life and how he still likes to get out and socialize and mix with others for company and also care.This Documentary I shall be creating with numerous visits taking into account how he feels on the day and also where he is going.

I would like to say today’s great aging society maybe busy and we have a great aging population. So take time to think how a wee chat to someone who is housebound can make their day feel special.

I am making this as part of my Documentary as I have done voluntary work for the elderly and have a lot of respect for them and their struggles to do day to day things that we take for granted.I have brought my two daughter up to visit elderly neighbours and being from a different generation they also have the same respect and admiration for elderly people too.

Some of my images I will make black and white for more impact and others I shall  make in colour. I am trying to capture the hands in all the images of the story of what were hard working hands to hands now crippled  with arthritis.


Elderly Research

With elderly subjects it is often appropriate to communicate their relationship to the world around them. Whether that be peace, war, love or loneliness, try to communicate the essence of the person’s daily experiences.

Again remember that you are not merely taking a photograph but telling a story. Tell it like you see it.

The photo above communicates an undeniable sense of loneliness. It may not be the most pleasant of subjects but there is a strong sense of truth to it.

Elderly people don’t want anything from you except your time so try to give them the respect and time they deserve. Remember, after few years we will be standing in their position.


Love this image with hands it portrays the care that is shown between the elderly and the young .the aged wrinkled hand place onto the younger hand works for me.

This image is taken from the internet Web Reference URL:https://ijccr.net/2012/08/16/japans-fureai-kippu-time-banking-in-%E2%80%A8elderly-care-origins-development-%E2%80%A8challenges-and-impact/


The above image has given me inspiration to maybe try to get a similar image for my documentary.

Photography Research on Elderly

Today I have been researching tips about photographing the elderly and what kind of image I am trying to capture and how the lighting can have an effect on the wrinkles on there faces.

Web Reference:URL http://www.guymilnes.com/old-people-photography/


  • Most models don’t want to appear in an image that reveals flaws in the skin, but a heavily wrinkled face or a simple scar can add a lot of interest and character to a portrait, and these types of flaws also have their own particular kind of beauty. If you can’t talk a subject with less-than-perfect skin into a photography session in your hard-light studio (and don’t feel bad if you can’t, it’s really not that easy), you can add some texture to your subject’s wardrobe instead. A knitted scarf or an embroidered hat will contrast nicely with that oh-so-perfect skin–just make sure to choose something subtle. You don’t want to change the focus of the image from the subject to the accessory.
  • As always, be creative. If your elderly subject doesn’t want you shooting her face in hard light, you can still get a beautiful picture of her hands.



Ideas for Documentery


These images were taken from the internet URL :http://mymodernmet.com/if-these-old-hands-could-speak

These images were taken by a photographer to portray a story of a lifetime through love,sadness and hard working hands.

Therefore I am trying to incorporate the theme of Old Hands In my Documentary where the hand is linked in all my images even with other hands eg. with carers holding on the other side of mobility aid.


Some of my Images that are not edited.




My Trial Run Plan For Documentary

As my research drew my to my last blogg of LYDIA GOLDBLATTS with her images of STILL HERE . Her images are of her elderly parents. Everyone knows someone like the elderly frail man or woman whether it be their own parents a family member or just the old neighbour or man in the street.I can relate to these images as I have spent a lot of my time doing Voluntary Work for the Elderly. Life in their own homes can some time make them feel so alone and there old bodies don’t move or bend the same. They are so grateful just for your visit to break up the long lonely day or night.Most of the older ones I know have passed but I still have one old man I know that I intend using for my documentary: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF AN OLD BODY.

I have started to take some images but can only work with him when its suitable for us both. Also taking into account if he is feeling well enough or just if he can be bothered in general.  So I do intend to gather a lot of varied shots on different days.