Group Working Evaluation

Working as part of a team or making contribution to a group development project is common practice in Creative Industries

Reflect on an aspect of group working for a project you have recently worked on.
I worked as part of a group to create an Ebook ,we  had different locations to capture and promote.

How did you feel about working as part of a group?

I enjoyed working as part of a group. We agreed on what photos to use and what relevant information to include in our project.

Give one potential benefit of group working.

Group working can improve communication skills and help to lighten the workload which means the process can be managed in the time scale.

Give one potential drawback of group working.

Group working can be stressful as you are relying on others to complete their tasks. Sometimes they are absent or fall behind which means the others in the team have to take on their work.

Give an example of what worked well in your project.

The project was finished ahead of schedule with photos and information that we were all happy with to promote Dunfermline.

What would you do different next time?

Make sure the weaker members of the team are contributing, completing their tasks and are aware they are in a group effort.

E Book

Here are some more of my photos that I have taken for my e book.


The Peacock Rooms which are situated in Pittencrieff Park Dunfermline.



The Louise Gates Facing out onto the bottom of the High Street in Dunfermline.

Code based Animation


We can apply this squash and stretch effect through a CSS3 property, transform:

@-webkit-keyframes example {
   0% { -webkit-transform: scaleY(1.0); }
   50% { -webkit-transform: scaleY(1.2); }
   100% { -webkit-transform: scaleY(1.0); }

This will scale the object lengthwise (on the y axis, up and down) to 1.2 times the original size, and then revert to the original size.

We’re also using more complex timing for this animation. You can use from and to for basic animations. But you can also specify many actions for your animation using percentages, as shown here.

That covers the squashing. Now we need to move the object using translate. We can combine transforms together:

50% {
-webkit-transform: translateY(-300px) scaleY(1.2);


The translate property allows us to manipulate the object without changing any of its base properties (such as position, width or height), which makes it ideal for CSS animation. This particular translate property makes it look like the ball is bouncing off the floor at the mid-point of the animation.

A link to a Code Based Animation on Youtube

code paint


Cut out Animation Research

Cut-out animation is one of the oldest and simplest animation techniques and has many forms and variations. Essentially, cut-out animation involves producing animations using 2-D characters, props and scenes cut from materials, such as paper, card or fabric. Animators divide characters into smaller segments, piece together the individual cut-out shapes and move them in small steps, taking a picture — with a film camera capable of taking single pictures — at each step, to create the illusion of movement.

download cut out animation

Terry Gilliam is recognized in this field. He started his career as an animator and was well known for his part in Monty Phytons Flying circus. Here is the link to more about Terry Gilliam.
And here is a link to The Miracle Of Flight a cut out animation by Terry Gilliam.

Typography Research

Typography refers to the arrangement of text on a page with different fonts and colours.Typography is performed by typesetters, compositors, typographers, graphic designers, art directors, manga artists, comic book artists, graffiti artists, clerical workers, and everyone else who arranges type for a product.  Here is the link to a Taylor Swift video on YouTube which has Typography.

headerAn  Example of Typography

Typography Video

Here is the link to my Typography Video which was created on Premier Pro .The lyrics from the song were put onto Titles where the font and colour was changed. The Opacity was dragged back  and also the motion at times. This was very frustrating  ended up having to export this as H2.64 as the Avi format was making it jump all over the place. This was then uploaded onto YouTube.